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Who are Lady Colors?
Three well-known singers from popular Slovak musicals, films, theatre
and television projects form a singing group suitable for different kinds of events, social occurrences, galaprogrammes, cultural events, dance balls, fashion shows and festivals.
60 minutes performance is a great choice for any social event. Original arrangements of most world- known hits of contemporary design and three fantastic voices, style styling and charisma of singers guarantee an unforgettable artistic experience as well as entertainment.
Lady Colors is a singing group that impresses by singing, dancing, makes you amuse and at the same time leaves the best impression on guests who appreciate high-quality artistic production. In the case of interest,this group can prepare a song directly ready for your kind of event, thematically suitable in a new production and musical arrangements.
The Repertory of Lady Colors:
Známa pieseň – OMEGA ( Gyongyhaju lany )
Kým hráš – Marco Rajt / LADY COLORS
Let me entertain you – R. Williams
My way – F. Sinatra
Čerešne – Hana Hegerová
We are the champions / Dresy – Queen / Elán
Proud Mary – T. Turner
Shallow – Lady Gaga, B. Cooper
Lady Marmelade – Moulin Rouge
Hit the road Jack – R. Charles
Sway – Pussycat dolls
One night only – J. Hudson
Bella Ciao – La Casa De Papel
Najkrajšie áno – LeRa
Hallelujah – A. Burke
Oh happy day – gospel hymn
Simply the best / Celebration – T. Turner / Koll&The Gang
I will survive / Survivor – G. Gaynor / Destiny’s Child
Nane Cocha / Nah neh nah – Tabor uchodit v nebo / Vaya Con Dios
Te’d královnou jsem já – Kleopatra (musical)
We Will Rock You – Queen
Hava Nagila – jewish
Molitva – M. Šerifović
Ave Maria – Beyonce
Hrám – Karol Duchoň
Happy Birthday – special version ( S. Wonder )
Len kým tu si / Ôsmy svetadiel – Elán (musical ÔSMY SVETADIEL)
Jedenáste prikázanie – Elán (musical ÔSMY SVETADIEL)
Tři oříšky pro Popelku – Iveta Bartošová
Dnes večer Vám zábavu hráme / Macejko
Happy New Year – Abba
Tichá Noc – Christmas song



- studied at The Private Conservatory of Dezider Kardos in Topolcany, graduated at The University of Constantine The Philosopher in Nitra, and reached MA degree in branch of musical drama.
- She performed in films: “The Legend of Flying Cyprian”, “Inspection”, “Love Me or Leave Me”, “Emma.”
- She aslo acted in series: “Block of Flats”, “Wild Horses”, “Dr. Ludsky,” “Tempestous Wine”, “Behind the Glass”, “Family Cases”, “The True Story”, “Heaven in Mouth.”
- Singing activity: She sang with David Kraus and his band at a concert “End of the World 2012” Then she sang as a vocalist at the music award “Slavik 2009” and “Eurovision song contest.”
- Musicals: “Joseph and His Miraculous Dreamcoat”, “Dance of the Vampires”, “Hairspray.”
- Music awards: She was twice given the third position in national singing contest “The Golden Slipper.”
- In 2015, she founded her rock band ´´Creed of Moon´´ where she is a singer with her deep, interesting voice. She also writes lyrics.
- Photo-modeling, she is a “face” for many different clothes brands and she makes an andvertising for French cosmetics Esthederm. She is a popular photomodel of manny Slovak designers.

- studied music and dramatic arts at The Church Conservatory in Bratislava. In 2013 she completed bachelor´s studies at The University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, branch of musical drama.
- She performed in the popular musical of Ján Ďurovčík “Crazy Girls.” Then she acted in the musical “Dance of the Vampires” and also in the original Slovak musical “The Story of the Street.” At The New Scene Theatre she performed the main character in the musical “The Prince and the Evening Star.”
- She is known as Linda from the television series “Boys Don´t Cry.”
- In addition, she is aslo a voice teacher at The Private Conservatory in Nitra.
- Majka is an extremely talented young artist with great potential, a beautiful colour of voice and style that makes her an eye-catching lady in every society.

- the singer who has been active in Slovakia and also abroad for several years. With her specific singing and colour of her voice, she has charmed many fans and critics. She can prove a fantastic entertainment thanks to her energy and temperament.
- At The Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica she graduated with a Master´s degree in acting. At The New Scene Theatre in Bratislava, she appeared in the musical “Do Not Take Our Princess” and “Three Musketeers,” where she acted a beautiful but heartless and cold blood Milady. Worth mentioning is the musical “Rent,” where she formed a lawyer Joanne and also the musical performance “The Muse Of Musical.” Her comedic potential she showed in the crazy musical “Crazy Girls.” in which she acted one of the main characters. At The New Scene she also acted in the most successful Slovak musical “The Eighth Continent” and in one of the most beautiful musical “Romeo and Juliet.” where she acted Lady Montaque. At Košice theatre The Cassia, she starred in the musical “The Pied Piper” and in the original historical Slovak musical “Matúš Čák Trenčiansky” she acted treacherous and bloodthirsty Amazon Kuma.
- She works as a leader of her own rock band. In 2011 she released the debut album ´´For You And Me´´. She created the single and video for the anthem at the World Championship in kickboxing W5 in 2014.
- LeRa is also a popular presenter at various firm events, dance balls, fashion shows, team building events, galaprogrammes, town festivals and cultural events. She is a clever and high experienced presenter. She is sympathetic, talkative, communicative, an excellent improviser and always charmingly funny.
Vlastným menom Lenka Rakar, je speváčka, ktorá už niekoľko rokov pôsobí na Slovensku i v zahraničí. So svojim špecifickým spevom a farbou hlasu očarila už mnohých fanúšikov i kritikov a svojou energiou a temperamentom to vie na javisku parádne roztočiť.
Na Akadémii Umení v Banskej Bystrici vyštudovala herectvo. Zamerala sa na muzikál, kedže sa v tomto žánri spájajú viaceré druhy umenia, ktoré má rada. Na Novej Scéne účinkovala v muzikále “Neberte nám princeznú.” V “Troch mušketieroch” stvárnila krásnu, no bezcitnú a chladnokrvnú Milady. Za zmienku stojí muzikál “Rent”, kde si zahrala lesbickú právničku Joanne a autorské muzikálové predstavenie “Múzy Muzikálu,” v ktorom účinkovala spolu s kolegyňou Veronikou Hatala. Svoj komediálny potenciál prejavila v bláznivom muzikále “Čajočky,” v ktorom stvárnila jednu z hlavných postáv. V súčasnosti hrá na Novej Scéne v muzikále “Ôsmy svetadiel” a v jednom z najkrajších muzikálov súčasnosti – “Rómeo a Júlia” stvárňuje postavu Lady Montaque. V košickom divadle Cassia účinkuje v muzikále “Krysař” ako Štepánovka a v pôvodnom slovenskom muzikále “Matúš Čák Trenčiansky” ako zákerná a krvilačná Amazonka Kuma.
Okrem muzikálov pôsobí ako líderka vo vlastnej rockovej kapele. V roku 2011 vydala debutový album “Tebe a mne.” V r. 2014 vyšiel jej singel a videoklip k hymne na Majstrovstvá sveta v kickboxe W5.
LeRa je zároveň vyhľadávanou moderátorkou na rôzne firemné akcie, eventy, plesy, módne prehliadky, teambuildingy, galaprogramy, mestské slávnosti a rôzne kultúrne podujatia. Je to pohotová moderátorka s množstvom moderátorských skúseností z rôznych typov akcií. Sympatická, výrečná, s obrovskou slovnou zásobou a schopnosťou vhodne zareagovať v akejkoľvek situácii, výborná improvizátorka a vždy šarmantne vtipná.
Vlastným menom Mária Lechmanová vyštudovala hudobno-dramatické umenie na Cirkevnom konzervatóriu v Bratislave. V roku 2013 ukončila bakalárske štúdium na Univerzite Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, v odbore pedagogika hudobno-dramatického umenia. Účinkovala v populárnom muzikále Jána Ďuročíka – “Čajočky.” Vidieť ste ju mohli aj v muzikále “Ples upírov” a tiež v pôvodnom slovenskom muzikále “Príbeh ulice.” V súčasnosti stvárňuje hlavnú postavu v Divadle Nová scéna v muzikále “Princ a Večernica.” Známa je tiež ako Linda z televízneho seriálu “Chlapi neplačú.” Okrem toho je tiež hlasová pedagogička na Súkromnom konzervatóriu v Nitre a na Muzikálovej akadémii pri Divadle Nová scéna. Majka je nesmierne talentovaná mladá umelkyňa s obrovským potenciálom, krásnou farbou hlasu a štýlom, ktorý z nej robí neprehliadnuteľnú dámu v každej spoločnosti.
Kristína Mečko vyštudovala súkromné konzervatórium Dezidera Kardoša a ukončila magisterské štúdium na Univerzite Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, v odbore pedagogika hudobno-dramatického umenia.
– filmy: Legenda o Lietajúcom Cypriánovi
– TV film: Obhliadka, Miluj ma alebo odíď, Emma
– seriály: Panelák, Búrlivé víno II., Divoké kone I., Dr.Ludsky, Rodinné prípady, Pravdivé príbehy s Katkou Brychtovou, Nebíčko v Papuľke,…
Spevácke aktivity: S Davidom Krausom a jeho kapelou spievala na koncerte – Koniec sveta 2012,
vokály- Slávik 2009, Eurosong 2009
Muzikály: Jozef a jeho zázračný farebný plášť, Ples upírov, Hairspray
V roku 2015 založila svoju rockovú kapelu Creed of Moon, kde je speváčkou a textárkou.
Ocenenia: 2x získala 3. miesto na celoslovenskej speváckej súťaži Zlatá črievička.
FOTOMODELING- nafotila viacero promo kampaní pre rôzne značky oblečnia, pravidelne spolupracuje so známou dizajnérkou Magaelou, je tvárou dvoch zahraničných kníh – obálka knihy, je reklamnou tvárou francúzskej kozmetiky Esthederm, je vyhľadávanou modelkou mnohých slovenských designérov.
Foto & Video
Contact information
Mgr. art. Lenka Rakár
Tel.: +421 (0) 915 833 371
E-mail: manager@ladycolors.sk
Nové Košariská 2507
900 42 Dunajská Lužná
IČO: 50 156 667
DIČ: 2120190886
IČ DPH: SK2120190886